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Pregnancy Related Hip Pain (Part 3): More At Home Care

Part 1 of the DIY tips series to releasing hip pain at home looked at reasons for hip and low back pain during pregnancy, simple alignment corrections, a tennis ball release and a pre- bedtime routine to help alleviate these pains. Part 2 went through my fav stretches in the kitchen including a pelvic floor release, the BEST calf stretch and a simple alignment variation for when you are standing at sink! It makes sense to round out this DIY series with how to sit while pregnant to save your pelvis!

Other than chasing my toddler around all day… well actually how much do I really sit during the day anymore…? Lol When I do get to sit down I know that if I’m not in a great position my pelvic joints scream when I go to get up! If you are pregnant I’m sure you have felt that pinch beside the tailbone or in the pubic bone when going from sit to stand. Typically this is just related to the position of the bones in the pelvis when we are seated (the relaxin hormone doesn’t help because it really reduces the stability of the joints and as a result the surrounding ligaments are under stress and get inflamed really quick).

Here’s what to do to minimize the pain!

1 – Sit Forward!!!

So you know the ‘sit’ bones? When seated in yoga they talk about “moving” the flesh of the glutes aside so you feel a really good contact with the ground. Do the same thing when you are sitting in any position while pregnant. The KEY is to stay off of your tailbone. If you lunge/slouch/sit backwards/tuck your bum under while sitting you are going to put pressure on the tailbone. The pressure will stress out the joints on either side of your tailbone (SI joints), cause them to get inflamed and feel sore and during pregnancy can even cause them to shift… hence the pinch when you go to stand up and take those first few steps. The BEST TIP for getting the proper alignment and sitting slightly forward is to have a roll behind and slightly under your tailbone. I simply roll up whatever I can find (a hand towel works great, a sweater, a jacket or a baby blanket) and place it at the back of the chair – right where the seat meets the back…. NOT high up in the curve of your lower back. Place it there and just kind of perch yourself on it. So EASY.. this takes your pelvis into a slight forward tilt, more contact with your sit bones, less contact with your tailbone…. in fact more you’ll give yourself more room under your rib cage and feel less compressed there as well.

Do this roll ALL THE TIME… I’m talking on the couch (better yet sit cross-legged on the floor with the roll underneath your tailbone in front of the couch), at the dinner table, absolutely at work, and especially in the CAR. Honestly this is a lifesaver for me when I’m driving. Please, please give this simple trick a try.

2. Try a ball!!!

This is so great for mobility of your pelvic joints. It allows you to sit forward, change positions easily and keep things moving! Try gentle pelvic tilts and figure 8’s to help prep your pelvis for labour! A ball is a great option to stick under your desk at work and be able to go back and forth from your chair (with rolled up towel) to the ball.

This seems simple but trust me it’s a game changer for the pelvic joints when pregnant!

Happy sitting Mama’s (yeah right, who are we kidding…sitting…ha!)


Dr. Gillian


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